A Android app is a type of software application that runs on the Android platform, which is a mobile operating system. Android apps are created using the Java programming language and core libraries and constructed to run on an Dalvik virtual machine that is optimized for mobile devices. Android apps are distributed and published through the official Google Play Store. This store provides both premium and free apps.

The Android platform offers extensive tools, documentation and resources for developers to build and test applications. It also supports multi-tasking, which lets users to complete multiple tasks simultaneously and switch between them seamlessly. Android applications also come with an array of graphics options, including 3D and 2D graphics. Therefore, it’s simple to develop and deploy visually appealing applications on the platform.

Android allows developers more freedom to design and create applications. Developers can create many different apps that vary in terms of features and design. The fact that Android apps are able to be run on a wide range of devices and OS versions means that developers are able to get more people to download their apps.

Android also has a lower cost of developing apps than iOS. For instance, registering as an Apple developer costs $99 per year while getting started with Android only requires a one-time fee of just $25. This allows businesses to get their apps off the ground and start earning revenue quickly.